Mr. Ozawa: The parts of the battle are scheduled to end in February, so we are planning to release beta tests in March and April.
Battle is a PvP card battle with the first real-time communication of the domestic blockchain game.
However, because of the real-time PvP, there is a problem that does not match with a small number of users.
So, the initial deck is also distributed free of charge, wallet and meta mask, you have to scheme that can be played even if you do not have ethereum, not only existing blockchain game users, a new layer, I hope to expand the market to social gaming users.
Hamada: Is the card on-chain?
When I saw before, there was also a settlement in Bitcoin, but I was worried about how it is taking the system.
Mr. Ozawa: Yes. On-chain.
We have temporarily created the user's wallet in the game's server, and the token is put on-chain in the form that the operation subrogation the gas bill and the price.
As for the settlement, the current state is a token to be circulated only in the game, so it is organized not applicable to the virtual currency No. 2, the payment itself is taken a mechanism that can be a legal currency or Bitcoin.
There is no meaning for DApps at present, but we plan to make it possible to trade tokens freely outside of the game in the future.
Of course, the statutory currency is not put, and it is possible to make the meta mask and ethereum indispensable, and only the high-literacy user can participate, and there is no reason for our existence.
Just like the beginning, I want to put in a venture spirit.
Mr. Ozawa: Without this flames, there was no funding, and I could not even borrow the power of the people involved.
If we think positively, we could create a good system that could lead to a future leap, thanks to the flames.
I think the pinch was a chance.
Mr. Ozawa: I was scared the most at that time, but I don't know if this is the cause, but I was afraid that there were several times when I could brilliant the door of my home.
However, various presidents of social games, such as "I also had a razor in the post of the house at my time" I heard the story.
Hamada: You're going to be stronger that way.
Mr. Ozawa: it looks like.
Mr. Ozawa: Blockchain games are still in the early days, and I think it is a phase in which startups make various drawing line.
In the future, I would like to be a young member in my twenties, take risks, challenge and create new cases, so I would be happy if I could support them.
Ozawa, thank you for your busy time.
We look forward to the release of CryptoSpells.