CryptoSpells announces termination of pre-sale, refund of purchases, and reconsideration of service

CryptoSpells announces termination of pre-sale, refund of purchases, and reconsideration of service

CryptoSpells has announced its presale on October 1st. While becoming a hot topic, it also brought out some negative reaction.

Important Announcement Announced on October 4th

CryptoSpells started its presale on October 1st, however on October 4th there were two announcements made.


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"Full Refund to All Users
We will provide full refund to users who have purchased bit coins and SPL for this service.
Please note, for users who have used the INVITE function to grant a reward, our company will return the full amount of bit cons of the reward."



Source :

"Reconsideration of Service Contents and Operating System

Regarding the contents below, we will discuss with major blockchain game enterprises, relevant ministries and agencies, lawyers' officials, card game experts and other stakeholders about whether or not to continue the service by the beginning of November. We will also announce and release the road map afterwards.

· About service contents and game system
· Guarantee of service quality
· About internal management system and supervising system
· Future roadmap and development of white paper"

『CryptoSpells』に関する重要なお知らせ – CRYPTO SPELLS – Medium

10月1日のプレセール開始以降、内部管理体制並びに監査体制の不備による、本サービスへの様々なご批判・ご意見について、ユーザーの皆様に多大なご迷惑と不安をおかけしておりますことを、深くお詫び申し上げます。 本サービスへのビットコインの入金、及びSPLを購入されたユーザー様に対し、全額をご返金いたします。…

Background of Refund / Reconsideration

Various media have covered news about the start of the presale.
It was also featured in "Gamer" of game media and "BITDAYS" of virtual currency media,
Awareness has expanded largely to people who perceived it as a game or a possible investment.

After the pre-sale, problems regarding the composition of the site and the system has been pointed out on sites such as Twitter, 5ch.

On receiving the negative reaction, it has announced refund and reconsideration of the service on its official site.

Re-departure is Expected

CryptoSpells has been attracting attention as a trading card game due to various reasons.

Its balance adjustment according to user's votes, management of cards using blockchain technology, setting the upper limit of the number of cards issued, and its transparency by issuing ERC 721 are some examples among them.

Although there were some problems regarding the composition of the site and the system, I would like to expect the re-departure after reorganizing the structure and contents.


crypto_spells Dapps

Crypto Spells

Crypto Spells is a blockchain trading card game developed and operated by CryptoGames Inc.
The digital cards can be freely traded among users as NFTs.
It is a next generation card game where "cards become assets".
Enter the invitation code "y8zS" to get a "mining ticket" when you log in for the first time.

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