
[Press Pelease]Synergy of Serra: New Cargo Arrived!

[Press Pelease]Synergy of Serra: New Cargo Arrived!

Synergy of Serra just released its Crate Pre-Sale on August 3rd, 2020.

First time reading about Synergy of Serra?

Synergy of Serra shapes a new game genre, merging classic Strategy Card Games with the infinite game experience possibilities of Deckbuilder Card Games. Become the leading commander of Serra and join the six factions of biologic and mechanic creatures in the defense of the planet Serra from an alien threat!

Crate Pre-Sale

There will be two different types of Crates. The first are Transcendent Set Crates, which contain cards from the fifth faction of Serra, the Transcendents. The second are Base Set Crates, which contain cosmetics, higher quality cards from the base set.

All crates are Fungible Tokens on the Matic Network, limited to 400,000 of each type and are tradable from day one!

Transcendent Set Crates

The Transcendent Set contains 60 distinct Expansion Cards, including the new Transcendent faction, in different Qualities and Rarities. Each Transcendent Set Crate starts from $2 and contains 6 cards with different drop chances, scarcity in two dimensions. There is the Rarity dimension (Common 70%, Rare 24%, Epic 5%, Legendary 1%) and the Quality dimension (Painted Metal 84%, Bronze 10%, Silver 5%, Gold 1%). The most scarce card drawn from this crate is Legendary/Gold (0.01% Chance)!

Base Set Crates

The Base Set Contains the 90 free Base Set Cards in higher Qualities. Each Base Set Crate starts from $1 and contains 6 cards with different drop chances regarding Quality (Bronze 75%, Silver 24%, Gold 1%). Since each player gets all 90 cards from the Base Set for free, there is no Rarity — all Base Set cards are valued as ‘common’. Therefore, cards from Base Set Crates are higher quality, cosmetic versions of Base Set cards. These cosmetic cards are also tradable!

Minting Device Keys

When opening a Base Set Crate there is an extra chance on receiving one of six unique Minting Device Keys. Each key is a tradable, super rare object (NFT). Each key allows access to a specific Minting Device, which has the power to refine a specific card type into its highest quality. Only accessible by the owner of a key.


When opening a Transcendent Set Crate there is an extra chance on receiving one of 12 unique Artifact cards. Each Artifact is a tradable, super rare object (NFT). Each holds a forgotten power that turn each game into a unique adventure, revealed on discovery.

Crate Price Escalation

The price escalates depending on how many crates of each type are sold already, supporting our early adopters!

Crate Opening Event

Crates can be traded from day one but remain locked until the Crate Opening Event because of our great demand for perfection. We wish to finish all card illustrations before unlocking the crates.

What can I do?

Become a Tech-Pioneer by being one of the first to sign-up at Synergy of Serra. Buy Crates, trade or HODL them, and get involved in our Discord community — Follow and enjoy the journey!

What makes Synergy of Serra a special TCG?

Play-to-Earn: Start for free with 90 unique cards, full access to all features, and earn money by winning seasonal ranked games.

Skill-To-Win: There used to be hardcore games, now again!

Infinite Game Experience: Your card deck and strategy evolve and changes every turn through in-game Deck-building mechanics resulting in endless unique battles.

Trading Experiences: Trade and exchange all in-game assets for real money through true ownership on the blockchain.

No Entry Barrier: Your grandma is playing it already! No wallets, no plugins, no fees required.

Who are we?

We are Calystral, a team of game developers that set out to unleash the potential of gamers. We are focusing on building games where the time and effort put in, is rewarded with real value. Enhancing the players’ experience and empowering gamers to achieve more. In the process, we strive to overcome the technical limitations of Blockchain Technology and use its benefits to lift games to the next level. We would love to share these solutions with the community and other developers. Towards a better future of Gaming!