"Contract Servant" Trial Meeting Report [Consava |Event]

"Contract Servant" Trial Meeting Report [Consava |Event]

A trial session for contract servant experts was held at Axelmark on June 28.

Here's a summary of the contract servant's trial.

Official Announcement

The contract servant trial report was released as a press release from Axelmark.
The press release introduces comments from experts who participated.


Post-mortem report "Contract Servant", "Trial Session for Blockchain Game Experts" held in the midst of a great success

Trial Party Schedule

June 28 at Axelmark Inc.

19 o'clock trial party start
19 to 20 o'clock explain the rules and how to enjoy each participant
Tournaments based on decks that you have teamed from 20 to 21 o'clock


Mr. Kiyosui ( https://twitter.com/kiyosui_goraku )
Kohei Nakamura ( https://twitter.com/minicoohei )
Mr. Fukuhara ( https://twitter.com/fukuhara_hdylw )
Mr. Umpee ( https://twitter.com/nnppnpp )
Mr. Kota Ozawa ( https://twitter.com/kotaozawa )
Mr. Hasizume (Deputy To be Mr. Piprycto Maou( https://twitter.com/piprycto )
Kimura (Blockchain Game Info)
Hamada (Blockchain Game Info)

During the explanation

The trial party has started.
It is in the lecture from the management side. Everyone is building a deck for the 0th tournament from 20 o'clock! # Consava

Each person had one game development member, and they built the deck by giving a lecture on what kind of deck is strong.
Mr. Kiyosui's videos show how the screen, such as purchasing in the market and what status to see, is shown in Mr. Kiyosui's videos.

Source : youtube

Blockchain Game Consava's Play Impressions I participated in the trial party.

A scene from the tournament

A tournament was held on each deck.
It was a battle between people we knew, so we had a great time.

The state of the tournament is shown in Mr. Fukuhara's video with audio.
Watch the video to see who won the championship.

Source : youtube

【Contract Servant】Participation in the 0th Tournament

Tournament winner is token pocket Mr. Kohei( @minicoohei )
The photo shows Mr. Kohei, who defeats the boss of Consava.

Experts' Reports

Each of the participating experts reports on the trial session on blogs and Twitter.

Mr. Kiyosui
Impressions i tried playing contract servant.
A basic summary of information.

Mr. Fukuhara
I went to the contract servant and CSCG game! Summary

Mr. Umpee
I participated in the contract servant trial meeting.

Mr. Piprycto
Contract Servant Test Report

Mr. Nemoto also came to the office on July 1st to try out

Mr. Nemoto ( https://twitter.com/dujtcr77 ), an advisor, also came to Axelmark to test out the contract servant.

Today, I'm going to experience Consava with Mr. Nemoto, a conservator who is returning to Japan.
Mr. Nemoto who has received the explanation of the deck organization. Trying to capture the deck of the invited party!

Mr. Nemoto describes the feeling of the contract servant as follows.

I am sorry to bother Axelmark, who develops #Consava

Victory over the producer in the first match

Although there are some detailed issues that were said at the trial party, the most important impression is It was like that.

I did not feel that complicated when I was doing something like shashage.

It is cool.

Next is Open Battle beta.

 ブロックチェーンゲームに見識の深い有識者の方々をお招きし、6月28日(金)に試遊会を実施いたしました。 本試遊会で実施にプレイした上で、コンサヴァの感想やアドバイスなどを頂きました。試遊会で頂いたご意見も踏まえ、ゲームクオリティのチェックおよび、今後の一般ユーザー向けβテストの実施に向けた最終のバランス調整を行う予定です。

We invited experts with deep insight into blockchain games and held a trial party on Friday, June 28. After playing in this trial session, we received comments and advice from Consava.
Based on the opinions we received at the trial session, we plan to check the quality of the game and make final balance adjustments for the future beta testing for the general public.

Source : www.axelmark.co.jp

Next is the contract servant that battle beta is coming about.
Towards battle beta, the movement has finally come out.
This time, in response to the opinion of experts, how to be released battle beta in a state of evolution, it seems to be a point to be notable.

7/4 Additional notes The current issues and future responses and countermeasures will be announced.

In axelmark's press release, measures were announced on the issues identified at the trial meeting.

In the second half of this presentation, producer Tanaka's letter to the producer describes his thoughts on contract servant.


Current issues of the blockchain game "Contract Servant" under development, and future countermeasures and countermeasures

According to the announcement, the two issues were addressed and countermeasures were addressed.

Difficult to understand

Load measures

In particular, the difficulty of understanding was the most mentioned issue in the report of the trial meeting by each expert.

"It was a really complex game, so the tutorials are a must. If you don't teach me in the field, it might have been a little difficult to understand. (Mr. Kiyosui)

"To be honest, the barriers to entry are quite high.
But i think it will be fun to learn the depth of the memories as long as you learn. " (Mr. Fukuhara )

It was really complicated. I was fine because I was reading Medium, but there is a one-on-one guidance and a level that can be understood at last. (Mr. Umpee)

"I remember a lot of things anyway, and I thought it would take a long time for the game to be interesting. “

I read the description of the battle system beforehand, and i was able to play without hesitation because the development staff gave a lecture on the spot at the trial meeting, but I think that it is serious for the person who started in the situation without any support. The battle scene is incomprehensible what is happening at first sight, i do not know i do know a lot of killing spree it seems to drop because of it. (Mr. Piplicto)

Source : www.axelmark.co.jp

To resolve this incomprehensible, it was announced that:

・Introduction of tutorials
・Enhancement of tips
・Change of expression
・Detailed, simplified

As for the challenge of the height of the game difficulty and difficulty to understand, after introducing a feature (tutorial) that allows you to learn the structure and rules of the game while actually operating the game at the start of the official service, the mechanism to provide the necessary information for the game as appropriate (Tips) will be improved by enhancing. In the battle screen, we will make several improvements such as changing some representations and simplifying them according to each scene.

At the start of the beta test, we will set up a dedicated window within the official Discord to accept comments and comments from users. We can also ask questions or questions at our dedicated office.

Source : www.axelmark.co.jp

It's interesting to see how easy it will be to understand.

The full text is here.


Current issues of the blockchain game "Contract Servant" under development, and future countermeasures and countermeasures

Click here for The Discord of the Contract Servant

Contract Servant

ContractServant Dapps

Contract Servant

The new free blockchain game "Contract Servant" is now available!
Let's have a new experience where you can make assets in the game!

Game introduction
This is a tactical battle game with a formation of character cards called Servants.
Servants include Common Servants and Token Servants, and Token Servants are managed on a blockchain.
Also, no two token servants have the same parameters, even if they have the same design.

Compete against players from around the world in league battles held every Monday, and after a week of competition, you'll be able to compete for the top spot.
Get attractive rewards such as Talkancer Vant and gorgeous items!

▼Make an asset with gameplay!
Tokenservants earned as League Rewards become your assets as NFTs (Non Substitutability Tokens).
You can also exchange your token vant for the crypto asset Ethereum (ETH) by trading between users in the market function!
Common Servants cannot be bought and sold in the market, nor can they be transferred to other users.

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