CHOJO, the beautiful girl martial arts blockchain game, has announced the overview and dates of CHOJO TITLEMATCH Beta.

CHOJO, the beautiful girl martial arts blockchain game, has announced the overview and dates of CHOJO TITLEMATCH Beta.

After the success of the open beta.ver1, CHOJO will launch the open beta test version 2 "CHOJO We've announced that we're holding a "TITLEMATCH Beta.
In the article, we'll cover the details of the event.


June 23, 2020 (19:00) JST - June 28, 2020 (24:00) JST

What are the contents of the open beta test version 2?

The last CHOJO beta test had a story mode and a challenge cup, but now you'll be able to play Free Battle, a versus game.

Scheduled contents for open beta test ver.2

・Main Quest 第1章 第1~3話
・Free Battle(NEW)

また、オープンβ期間終了時のランキング結果に応じて、 限定アーツ*²を獲得することができます。 今回獲得できるアーツは、NFT*³としてリリース後もゲームで使用することができます。
6月26日(金)~ 6月28日(日)の計3日間、21時~24時の間 *⁴に遊ぶことができます。

※² 報酬の詳細は公式サイト、Twitterにて後日発表いたします 。
※³ 非代替性トークン(Non-Fungible Token)。ゲーム外に持ち出せる、所有権が含まれているデータ。
※⁴ (6/15 16:00更新)開催期間を変更いたしました。

Source :

1.Main Quest Chapter 1 Episodes 1-3
This is a quest with a fun scenario.
In this test, you can play the first three episodes.
2.Free Battle(NEW)
You can enjoy battles against other players in this mode.
During the open beta period, players can play from 7pm to 10pm everyday.

3.Event Battle "CHOJO TITLEMATCH β"(NEW)
This is a ranking-based battle event made for this test.
In this event, we have adopted a rating system that increases or decreases the rate according to the victory or defeat.
Also, according to the ranking results at the end of the open beta period, players will be able to gain limited arts*2. The arts that you can earn this time will be available for use in the game as NFT*³ after release. The Arts you can earn this time can be used in the game as NFT*³ after release.
They can be played from Friday, June 26 - Sunday, June 28, between 21:00 and 24:00 *⁴ for a total of three days.

*¹ Technique cards that can be equipped to fighters.
*² Details of the rewards will be announced on the official website and Twitter at a later date.
³ Non-Fungible Token (Non-Fungible Token). Data that can be taken outside of the game and contains ownership rights.
The event period has been changed.

I'm looking forward to seeing the limited arts available as NFTs as a reward for the Ranking Battle event.

Previous Open Beta Report

With the potential adoption of Live2D, this game is attracting a lot of attention from non-blockchain gamers as well. However, if you prepare for it with Kay Tarumizu's previous Open Beta.ver1 report, you may enjoy Open Beta.ver2 more. But if you read the report of the last open beta.ver1 by Kay Tarumizu, you may be able to enjoy the open beta.ver2 more.

CHOJOのβテストが終了!レビューと今後についてのまとめ | ブロックチェーンゲームインフォ-BlockchainGame Info




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