The alpha version of the game has been released and is now playable.
Windows and MacOSX versions are available for download.
I'll explain the MacOSX version.
Version is LostRelics-000162-dlbeey-osx-installer.
Installers are available for PC and Mac
Double-click on the dmg file to open the installer folder.
If you double-click on the dmg file, a dialog box will appear saying "Cannot open because the developer cannot be verified" and you will not be able to install.
Then the message "Are you sure you want to open it? The message will change to "Are you sure you want to open it?
The screen resolution setting immediately after installation may not be appropriate for your operating environment.
Therefore, in my environment (MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports 3 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7, 16GB memory, MacOSX 11.2.1), it was very slow and did not work properly.
By changing the screen resolution to 2048x1280, it ran comfortably.
If you feel that your computer is running too slow, we recommend you to change the screen resolution, as there is a setting on the startup screen.
You can also lighten the operation by changing the picture quality, so please adjust it according to your environment.
Register as a new user.
Register your e-mail address and complete the activation process.
After completing the registration, the tutorial will start.
Follow the navigation.
Move to the position point you moved to with a right mouse click.
Attack with the left mouse button.
Use the "q" key to switch weapons.
You can also use the "r" and "f" keys to switch between sword and bow and arrow, and the "q" key to switch between them.
If you hold down the "shift" key when attacking, you can attack on the spot, but if you don't know this, you will move when attacking, making it difficult to attack. If you don't know this, you will move when attacking, making it difficult to attack. This is especially true for attacking with a bow.
Pressing the "right mouse button" while stopped with the Shift key will perform a strong attack. If you do not know this, it is difficult to clear the game.
Stamina will recover up to 250, so when it reaches 0, wait for it to recover in a safe zone.
You can also use the arrow buttons on your keyboard and the mouse wheel to control the camera and change the position for better playability.
In the early stages of the game, you should go around quests that are low in difficulty.
Forgotten Chambers is a good choice because of its low difficulty.
At first, it will be hard to complete the quests and you will probably die many times. If you die, you'll lose experience and items.
However, after a few times, you will be able to complete the quest without dying by using the Shift key and the long-distance attack with the bow.
After about 10 to 20 times, your level will increase and you'll start to accumulate gold.
Also, as you go around the quests, some weapons will drop that are higher than your initial equipment.
I received a sword, which was very powerful and made the battle much easier. Try your best to go around and get the dropped items.
Anyway, it is very important not to die.
Once you have found an item in a quest, return to your base at the inn and store the item in the treasure chest.
If you die, the item will disappear, so don't forget to store it.
Once you have gathered a certain amount of items, go to the place on the left side of the map with the anvil icon. Click on the "Engineering Bench" and you can craft it.
The more you craft, the higher your crafting level will be, and the more items you can craft.
You will need a nickel to get the ore in the quest, but this item will not drop.
You will have to buy it at the Emporium in-game or trade for it.
Talk to the NPC to open the Emporium.
You can use the market by logging into the website and linking your Enjin wallet on your phone from your account.
You can trade in Enjin coins, so take advantage of it.
Lost Relics is still in alpha, so game balance and in-game system changes happen often, but it's still playable, and if you like huck and slash action RPGs like Diablo and Microbrew Dungeons, you'll enjoy it.
"Lost Relics," developed in 2019 by Australia's Codebit Labs, is a competitive fantasy action-adventure RPG. Players explore the land of Lunaria, experiencing new challenges, skills, and quests. The game features rare and valuable digital collectibles with real-world value, offering discovery of rare artifacts, limited-edition digital collectibles, competitive leaderboards, customizable outfits and pets, and diverse features including 4-player cooperative play and PvP.
◾️Basic Information
Title: Lost Relics
Genre: Action-Adventure RPG
Compatible Devices: Windows and Mac
Price: Free-to-Play
Development Status: Early Access
P2E: Supported
Blockchain: Enjin
Tokens: Ethereum (ETH), ENJ, JENJ, Shadowstones
NFT: Yes
Provider/Developer: Codebit Labs
Protocol: ERC-1155