Oasys Strengthens Ecosystem through Strategic Partnership with SBI Holdings

Oasys Strengthens Ecosystem through Strategic Partnership with SBI Holdings

Oasys has entered into a strategic partnership with SBI Holdings and has conducted fundraising. Aiming to improve the liquidity of the OAS token and strengthen the ecosystem, they plan to hold joint campaigns and seminars.

Oasys Pte. Ltd. (headquartered in Singapore; hereinafter referred to as “Oasys”) announced today that it has formed a strategic partnership and raised funds with SBI Holdings, Inc. Through this, Oasys aims to leverage the extensive resources of the SBI Group to increase the liquidity of OAS tokens and further strengthen the ecosystem.

The following press release has been published.

Oasys has formed a strategic partnership with SBI Holdings and has implemented fundraising.

Oasys forms strategic partnership with SBI Holdings and implements fundraising.

Oasys has entered into a strategic partnership with SBI Holdings, one of the largest financial conglomerates in Japan, and has raised funds. Utilizing all resources of the SBI Group, we aim to enhance the liquidity of OAS tokens and strengthen our ecosystem.

Oasys, collaborating with major game companies that have been involved since the project's inception, plans to release a series of blockchain games over the next year.

To ensure the success of these contents, we aim to further improve the liquidity of OAS tokens, while also establishing a strategic partnership and raising funds from the SBI Group.

So far, we have advanced collaborations with the SBI Group, such as listing OAS tokens on SBI VC Trade (May 2023) and integrating with the SBINFT Market. With this collaboration and fundraising, we will accelerate the growth of the Oasys ecosystem, including its contents and synergy with game tokens. Moving forward, we are planning co-campaigns and seminars with SBI Group, and are considering adding Oasyschains to SBI Web3 Wallet and listing game tokens. Please look forward to it.

■SBI Holdings Representative Director and President Yoshitaka Kitao

Oasys is recognized as a highly promising project, specializing from the outset as a blockchain platform for use in Japanese-developed games, attracting multiple globally renowned major game developers as early partners. Our group's efforts date back to early investments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors, starting with contributing to the US-based Ripple company in 2016 and the US-based R3 company in 2017. We have been actively sowing seeds in this space early on, building an ecosystem capable of offering a variety of products and services. Through collaboration with Oasys, we aim to further expand the blockchain user base.

■Oasys Representative Director Matsubara Ryo

As many games are to be released by Oasys' partners, it is essential to secure appropriate funding and liquidity to support their success and further growth of Oasys. To tackle this challenge, strong supporters were needed. While renowned VCs exist in the US and powerful exchange groups are present in the Chinese sphere, as a project originating from Japan, we believed that collaborating with SBI, Japan's largest financial conglomerate, would be optimal. SBI Group has continuously facilitated the growth of Web3 projects through its partnerships.

To become the launching pad that propels Japanese Web3 content to the world, we are fully committed to working with the company.

■ About SBI Group

Founded in 1999, SBI Group is a pioneering Internet financial services company in Japan, focusing on securities, banking, and insurance. They operate a financial services business that provides more convenient and affordable products and services through the Internet, as well as asset management, investment business, cryptocurrency business, and next-generation business, developing globally as a comprehensive internet financial group.

■About Oasys

Oasys is a blockchain project specialized in games with the concept of 'Blockchain for Games'. The initial validator (main entity operating the chain) is composed of over 20 major gaming companies, such as Bandai Namco Research Institute, and Web3 enterprises. The consensus algorithm adopts an environmentally friendly PoS (Proof of Stake) method.

With its unique Oasys architecture, it offers a comfortable gaming environment by implementing free transaction fees and high-speed transaction processing for BCG users.

Website: https://www.oasys.games/
X(EN): https://twitter.com/oasys_games
X(JP): https://twitter.com/oasys_japan
Discord: http://discord.gg/oasysgames
Telegram: https://t.me/oasysen